Hardinge hlv-h lathe clone
Hardinge hlv-h lathe clone

hardinge hlv-h lathe clone

hardinge hlv-h lathe clone

USE ONLY CLOTH OR BRUSH TO CLEAN MACHINE. Small particles o f dirt and foreign matter can be forced past seals and wipers into the precision slides and bearings. T i i ~use of compressed air for cleaning a machine reduces the precision life of the machine. DO NOT CLEAN MACHINE WITH COMPRESSED AIR. Use a cloth or brush to clean this pr~cisior: machine. After skid has been removed place machine directly on location where it is to be used.ĬLEANING MACHINE. Use caution, a s machine has somewhat more weight at the front and it is more easily tipped using the lift truck method than the crane and sling method. Lift machine slowly, checki n s to see that the correct balance is obtained. When using a lift truck, adjust forks to go in betwsen top planks of skid a n d bottom of pedestal base.

hardinge hlv-h lathe clone

BED OR TAILSTOCK.The rope or cable must be capable of withstanding a weight of 2000 pounds. Lifting with a crane, the rope or cable sling should be arranged a s shown on this page. The machine may be removed from the skid by either a crane or fork lift truck. There are two bolts at the extreme left-hand end of the pedestal and one at right-hand end. Remove the three bolts which hold the nlachineto the shipping skids. Should floor conditions be such that adjustable foot does nci take care of the leveling, use shims under feet of pedestal. Tighten socket set screw to retain setting. To adlust, loosen the socket set screw a n d raise or lower the foot with a pin wrench so that all four feet rest firmly on the floor. Leveling should be such a s to be reasonable and s that coolant will properly drain back into sump from ends o f pan.There is a n adjustable foot at back right-hand corner o f the pedestui base to compensate for uneven floor conditions. The three point bearing arrangement makes accurate leveiing i unnecessary. The Hardinge HLV-H Precision Lathe is designed with a three point bearing arrangement between bed and pedestal base. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)LEVELING MACHINE. See instructions below for lifting machine from skid. Move machine to the location in your plant where it is to be used a n d then remove machine from skid. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSRemove crating, but do not remove machine from skid. The setup illustrated ubove shows tlie use of a three ~crw chuck to hold cr forged steel part.

#Hardinge hlv h lathe clone full

See F'ayes 50, 51, 52 urid 53 for full informution on step chucks und closers.ĬONTENTSPAGE. The srriooth, powerful endless V belt drive of +heHurd~nge HLV-H Lathe, 1 ~ J I 1I ~ 4 1~1ththe l ~ i ~ jspeeds h obttrined, rncrke s~rlcrlld~anleierwork m s y alld ~fficient.Īri excrrnple of proper llolding of a n instrument part for accurate, high speed rr.ach~ninyby holding tlie part In a standard step chuck. Precision taper t u ~ n ~ nis q e a s y when done on the Hardinae HLV-H Luthe equ~ppedwith cr taper turnmy attadlrileni Tractional slzes iron, collet stocks ~n Elmira, New York, and sixteen principal cities,

Hardinge hlv-h lathe clone